Thursday, 13 August 2009

L' Hippocampe

I always liked the swings the best, ultimate daydream inducing invention. To find some facing the  sea, i could imagine trying to keep up with the waves and forgetting what i am for a while. I think sea horses  are in constant dream and they swing upside down with their tail.

I have this science is fiction films of Jean Painleve, and he says the sea horse is the only vertebrate sea creature that swims standing up.  They could also be one of the starriest I think.

Some more info on this along with a lovely illustration I found.....
 The word 'hippocampus' means seahorse and the hippocampus of the human brain resides in pairs in the temporal lobes of the cerebrum. It is important for memory functions, amongst other things. At an adult age, it is often the starting point for epileptic(focal)fits. If fit fit-inhibiting drugs do not help sufficiently, it is sometimes advisable to have the hippocampus operatively removed ('hippocamoectomy')

In it's form, this brain structure is reminiscent of a sea horse. (from the greek: 'hippos'=horse, kampulos=curved). The most famous type of sea horse, which is most frequently represented in pictures and is also reflected in this work of art, is the long-nosed' or spotted' sea horse (hippocampus guttulatus).
The 'almond kernal' is a translation of the greek work for a part of the brain. It consists of a multitude of nerve cells, lies in close proximity to the hippocampus, reminiscent of the fruit of the almond kernal is 'amygdalum' (from the greek:'amygdala=almond tree, 'amygdalon' =almond).

The bottom painting is white and blue ink and acrylic on black acrylic, on wood.

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